Fort Sill – Americal Artillery Monument Dedication Ceremony


WWII Veterans Donald Wright and William Kiker unveiling WWII pedestal

The Americal Artillery Monument dedication ceremony was conducted on May 10th. What a tremendous success the event turned out to be. Nearly one hundred and fifty individuals turned out, including Americal Division veterans and ADVA members, along with many spouses and family members. Soldiers and staff of Fort Sill’s 1/14th Artillery Battalion were on hand to support the ceremony along with members of the Fort Sill’s 77th Army band.


Our speakers for the ceremony were MG (Ret) Thomas Lightner, former 3/16th Artillery battalion in Vietnam and MG (Ret) Douglas Dollar, former Company Commander of Charlie Company, 1/52nd Infantry Regiment in Vietnam. Three very special guests, Joseph, John Paul and Peter Sartorious performed ceremonial bagpipe melodies during the ceremony. These young men are great nephews of Foundation Director and ADVA member Gary Noller. A ceremony highlight was the unveiling of the WWII Artillery units pedestal two of our Greatest Generation soldiers. MAJ (Ret) Donald Wright, Americal Division Veteran of the 132nd Infantry Regiment, and William Kiker, Americal Division Veteran of the 164th Infantry Regiment did the honors for that portion of the monument. Following the dedication ceremony, attendees toured Fort Sill’s Artillery Museum. Lunch for those who wished to dine on post was open to event attendees at the 1/14th Artillery’s Guns and Rockets Dining Facility.

The highlight of the week was Thursday’s live fire demonstration at FOB Mowway firing range. The demonstration was put on by various Fort Sill advanced training units. Many attendees for the dedication ceremony stayed over and attended this event. This was a rare opportunity to see first hand the capabilities of the Steel Warriors of Fort Sill.

MG (Ret) Tom Lightner speaking at the ceremony

Bagpipe performance by Sartorius brothers